How to Start a Career in Web Application Development

Discover the world of web application development and explore the skills needed, from programming languages to frameworks, databases, and soft skills.

How to Start a Career in Web Application Development

Are you looking for a rewarding and lucrative career that offers flexibility and endless opportunities? Check out web application development! As a developer, you'll have the power to bring ideas to life and create digital experiences that make a real impact. In this article, we'll talk about this exciting field and walk you through the steps to start building web apps.

What Do Web Application Developers Do?

Web application developers are the creative minds behind various types of web applications we use every day. They combine programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and an understanding of user experience to build interactive and dynamic applications that can be accessed through a web browser. They may work on off-the-shelf apps or on custom web apps built for a specific client.

Examples of web applications include anything from Google Docs and Canva to Amazon and Netflix. The difference between a website and a web application is that the latter is interactive, dynamic, and allows users to perform actions and manipulate data. However, web apps also may be static, as you'll find out later.

Web Application Development Process

Web application development is a complex process that involves multiple stages and technologies. From designing the application architecture to deploying and maintaining the final product, developers play a crucial role in bringing ideas to life.

  • Application architecture: To build a web application, developers start by understanding its requirements and designing its overall architecture. That includes choosing the appropriate development frameworks, technologies, and databases depending on the the complexity of the web application. The goal is to ensure the app is scalable, maintainable, and performs well. 
  • Front-end development: The front-end is what users see and interact with. Developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build intuitive, responsive user interfaces. They ensure the web app functions smoothly and looks great across different devices and screen sizes. 
  • Back-end development: The back-end powers the app's core functionality. Developers use server-side languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, or Java to build the logic that processes user requests, retrieves data from databases, and sends responses back to the browser.
  • Database management: Web apps often require storing and retrieving data. Developers set up and manage databases using technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. They design efficient data models and write queries to interact with the database.
  • Code reviews, testing, and debugging: To ensure that the application works as expected, developers thoroughly review and test their code. They write unit tests, perform integration testing, and debug any issues that arise. Continuous testing helps catch bugs early and maintain the app's quality.
  • Deployment and maintenance: Once the app is ready, developers deploy it to a web server or cloud platform. They configure the server, set up security measures, and ensure the app can handle traffic. Ongoing maintenance involves monitoring performance, fixing bugs, and releasing updates.

To create a web app, developers collaborate closely with designers, product managers, and other stakeholders throughout the development process. They use version control systems like Git to manage their codebase and work iteratively, delivering features in small, testable increments. By combining technical expertise with creativity and a user-centric mindset, developers bring ideas to life and create applications that solve problems, entertain, and make our digital experiences more engaging.

Programmer working on web application development

Skills Needed in Web Application Development

If you're considering a career in web app development, you might be wondering what skills you need to succeed in this field. While the specific technologies and languages may vary depending on the company and project, there are several core competencies that every web developer should possess. Here's what you'll need to learn to develop a web application:

Programming Languages

First and foremost, you'll need to be proficient in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the building blocks of the web and are essential for creating the structure, style, and interactivity of web pages. Additionally, server-side languages like Python, PHP, and SQL are crucial for handling data and logic on the back-end.

Now you might be thinking, "Do I really need to learn all of these languages?" The short answer is no. You don't need to be a master of every single one to build a web app, but having a solid foundation in the core languages and being able to pick up new ones as needed is key.

Web Development Frameworks

To make your development process more efficient and organized, you'll also want to get familiar with web development frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue.js, or Ruby on Rails. They provide a structured approach to building web apps and offer reusable components and libraries that can save you time and effort.

Version Control Systems

Another important tool in your web development arsenal is version control systems like Git. These allow you to track changes to your codebase, collaborate with other developers, and revert to previous versions if needed. Imagine being able to go back in time and undo that one mistake you made three weeks ago – that's the power of version control.


Databases are another essential piece of the puzzle. Whether you're working with relational databases like MySQL or NoSQL databases like MongoDB, you'll need to know how to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Familiarity with database concepts and query languages is a valuable skill for any web developer.

Web Servers

To deploy and manage your web applications, you'll need to be comfortable working with web servers such as Apache or Nginx. Understanding how to configure and optimize these servers can help ensure that your web applications are fast, secure, and reliable.

Soft Skills

Now, we've covered a lot of technical skills here, but don't forget about the soft skills too. For example, problem-solving abilities are crucial for debugging code and finding creative solutions to complex challenges. Clear communication skills help collaborate with both development team members and stakeholders. 

Attention to detail, time management, and a healthy dose of curiosity are all essential for succeeding as a developer. You'll be faced with plenty of challenges and roadblocks along the way, but with the right mindset and a willingness to learn, you can overcome anything.

Types of Web Applications

As you embark on your coding journey, you might be wondering what categories of web applications you'll encounter along the way. Here, we'll explore the different types of web apps you may work with as a budding developer.

Static Web Applications

First up, let's talk about static web applications. These are the simple, straightforward websites that don't require any back-end programming. Think of them as digital brochures – they're great for showcasing information, but they don't have a lot of interactivity.As a developer, you'll likely work on static web apps when building portfolios, landing pages, or informational sites. The beauty of these is that they're easy to create and maintain, and they don't require complex infrastructure. All you need are your trusty HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills, and you're good to go!

Dynamic Web Applications

Now, let's spice things up with dynamic web applications. These are the interactive, data-driven websites that keep users coming back for more. Dynamic web apps are powered by server-side languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby, and they often rely on databases to store and retrieve information.

Dynamic web applications include social media networks, e-commerce web apps, blogs, and many other types. These projects require a bit more technical know-how, but they're also incredibly rewarding. You'll get to flex your problem-solving muscles and create applications that users can interact with in real-time.

Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

Next up, we have single-page applications or SPAs. These are the sleek, modern apps that feel more like desktop applications. SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as the user interacts with the app, without requiring a full page reload.

As a developer, you'll likely work with JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js to build SPAs. These frameworks make it easier to create complex web interfaces and manage application state. SPAs are perfect for building responsive, mobile-friendly web apps that provide a seamless user experience.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Last but not least, let's talk about progressive web applications or PWAs. These are the cutting-edge apps that combine the best of both worlds – the accessibility of the web and the functionality of native apps. Progressive web apps are built using modern web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly, and they can work offline, send push notifications, and be installed on a user's device.

As a developer, you'll have the opportunity to create PWAs that rival the performance and user experience of native apps. But unlike in software development, you'll still focus on maintaining the reach and discoverability of the web. PWAs are the future of web development, and they're an exciting area to explore as you grow your skills.

Coding bootcamp

Educational Paths to Web App Development

So, you're sold on the idea of becoming a web developer, but now you're wondering: what's the best way to learn the skills you need? Well, we've got good news for you: there are plenty of paths you can take, and the right one for you will depend on your learning style, budget, and goals.

Traditional Degree

Let's start with the traditional route: a college degree in computer science or a related field. This can be a great option if you're looking for a comprehensive education that covers a wide range of topics. You'll dive deep into programming concepts, algorithms, and software engineering principles. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to work on projects with classmates and get hands-on experience. The downside? It can be a significant time and financial investment.

Online Coding Bootcamps 

If you're looking for a faster and more focused path, an online coding bootcamps like Turing College's Web Development program might be the way to go. These intensive courses are designed to get you job-ready in a matter of months, with a curriculum that's laser-focused on the skills you need to succeed as a developer and the latest web development trends. You'll work on real-world projects, collaborate with your peers, and get plenty of one-on-one support from experienced web app developers. 

The pros? It's a shorter time commitment and you'll be learning the most up-to-date technologies and best practices from industry experts. The cons? Although cheaper than a traditional degree, it's still an investment, and the fast pace can be intense. 

Self-Study Online

What if you're on a tight budget or not in a hurry to finish? That's where online courses and self-study come in. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and freeCodeCamp offer a wide range of courses on web development, from beginner to advanced levels. You can learn at your own pace, often for a fraction of the cost of traditional education.

The downside is the lack of feedback, which may hold you back and lead to your motivation fading away. Fully self-paced learning is also not for everyone – being accountable only to yourself is harder than it looks.

Getting Practical Experience

Alright, so you've got some new web app development skills under your belt – now it's time to put them to the test and gain some real-world experience. When it comes to landing your first web development job, nothing speaks louder than a solid portfolio.

Build Projects for Your Portfolio

First things first, start building projects that showcase your skills and creativity. Employers want to see examples of web applications you've worked on. Don't worry if you're just starting out – there are plenty of beginner-friendly projects you can tackle. You can develop a web quiz game, a simple to-do list app, or a weather dashboard. The key is to choose projects that challenge you and allow you to demonstrate your problem-solving skills.

But don't just stop at the bare minimum – go the extra mile to make your projects stand out. Add some polish with sleek web design and intuitive user interfaces. Implement advanced features like user authentication or data visualization. And don't forget to show your code off on GitHub – employers love to see that you're comfortable with version control and collaboration.

Contribute to Open Source

Speaking of collaboration, contributing to open source projects is another fantastic way to gain experience and make connections in the developer community. Find a project that aligns with your interests and skills, and start by tackling small issues or bug fixes. As you gain confidence, you can take on larger features and even become a maintainer. Not only will you be honing your skills, but you'll also be building a network of fellow developers who can offer guidance and support.

Hackathons and Coding Challenges

Hackathons and coding challenges are another great way to put your skills to the test and learn from others. These events bring together developers from all backgrounds to collaborate on projects and solve real-world problems. You'll be working under tight deadlines and pushing yourself to the limit, but the experience and connections you'll gain are invaluable. Plus, who knows – you might even walk away with some prize money or job offers.

Bootcamp Projects

Finally, don't underestimate the power of high quality web coding bootcamps. They allow you to work on real-world projects and gain experience in a realistic setting. In Turing College's Web Development program, you will complete 12 projects that cover a wide range of technologies and skills, from front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development with Node.js and databases. You will also work on 3 capstone projects, building your web app portfolio that you can show to potential employers. 

This is a game-changer when it comes to landing your first development job – instead of just talking about your skills, you'll be able to demonstrate them through tangible results. And because these projects are built under the guidance of experienced mentors, you can be confident that they meet industry standards and best practices.

Finding Your First Web App Development Job

You've put in the hard work to learn the skills, build your portfolio, and gain practical experience. Now it's time to take the final step and land your first job in the field.

The job search process can be daunting, but remember – you've got the skills and the drive to succeed. Start by crafting a compelling resume and cover letter that showcases your projects and highlights your unique value proposition. Use job boards, recruitment agencies, and your personal network to find openings that align with your goals and interests.

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success in the job search is to choose an educational program that provides comprehensive career support. Turing College, for example, goes beyond just teaching you the technical skills – we also offer personalized career coaching, interview preparation, and networking opportunities with industry partners. With our help, you'll be able to navigate the job search with confidence and land the role of your dreams.

So what are you waiting for? If you're ready to launch your career in web app development, there's no better time to start than now. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back – embrace the challenge, believe in yourself, and go after your dreams!