What's Next in AI? The Top 5 Trends You Can't Miss in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transitioned from speculative technology to a core component of modern IT infrastructure. Today, it plays a critical role in shaping both the operational and strategic aspects of technology-driven environments. By 2024, AI's influence will be even more pronounced, with IT professionals shaping and driving AI innovations within their domains.

From the corridors of academia to the bustling streets of cities, AI's influence is ubiquitous, making its presence felt in every corner of our lives. In this article, we will explore what 2024 holds in terms of artificial intelligence. We will uncover the groundbreaking advancements and innovative applications of AI that are set to become a part of our everyday journey in the year ahead.

Open Source vs. Closed Source AI Models

As we edge closer to 2024, the debate between open-source and closed-source AI models remains at the forefront of the AI community. This tug-of-war is a fundamental development whose outcome could reshape the future of AI development and its societal integration.

  • Open-Source AI Models: The open-source, like Google's TensorFlow and Facebook's PyTorch, approach champions transparency and collective development. Here, the source code of AI models is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This openness fosters a collaborative environment where developers and researchers worldwide can scrutinize and contribute to the technology. This accessibility, however, also raises concerns about the potential misuse of AI technology, as it becomes easier for malicious actors to exploit open resources.
  • Closed-Source AI Models: Closed-source models, like IBM's Watson and OpenAI's GPT-3 before its API release, are proprietary, with their source code closely guarded by the organizations that develop them. This approach allows for greater control over the use and distribution of AI technology, potentially mitigating risks associated with misuse. This exclusivity, however, can stifle broader innovation and collaboration. It often leads to concerns about transparency, as the inner workings of these models remain a mystery to the outside world.

The outcome of this debate holds significant implications for the AI landscape in 2024. Open-source models could lead to a democratized and rapidly evolving AI ecosystem, while closed-source models might offer a more controlled but potentially less innovative environment. 

The Rise of AI Regulation

The call for AI regulation is becoming more pronounced than ever. With the rapid advancement of AI technologies, governments, and regulatory bodies worldwide are recognizing the need to step in and guide the development of powerful AI tools.

Several countries implementing or drafting laws to oversee AI's ethical and safe development.

  • European Union: Progressing on the draft Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), aiming for comprehensive top-down regulation, set to potentially be agreed upon by the end of 2023​.
  • Brazil: Developing its first AI regulation, focusing on rights protection, risk classification, and governance measures for AI system providers and operators.

The essence of AI regulation lies in striking a delicate balance. On one hand, there is a need to foster innovation and allow AI technologies to flourish and drive progress across various sectors. On the other hand, it is imperative to ensure that AI is developed and used ethically and safely. This balance is crucial in preventing potential misuse of AI that could have far-reaching negative impacts on society.

AI regulation is not about stifling creativity or impeding technological advancement. Rather, it is about shaping a framework where AI can grow responsibly and ethically. Regulations are being designed to ensure that AI respects human rights, adheres to privacy standards, and operates transparently. This regulatory oversight aims to build public trust in AI technologies, ensuring that they are used for the greater good of humanity.

AI Agents and Quantum Computing

As we sit on the cusp of the technological marvels of 2024, two of the most significant advancements capturing the spotlight will be AI agents and quantum computing, each revolutionizing different facets of our digital world.

  • AI Agents: The development of AI agents such as Auto-GPT and AssistGPT marks a significant leap in autonomous digital assistance. These advanced AI models are capable of managing complex systems autonomously, a feat that was a realm of science fiction not too long ago. Imagine an e-commerce store running seamlessly under the watchful eye of an AI agent like MLOps that handles everything from inventory management to customer queries with precision and efficiency. 
  • Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is emerging as a game-changer in the world of computational technology. It harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to process information at speeds unfathomable to traditional computers. The potential of quantum computing lies in its ability to solve complex problems that would take months or years with traditional computers in mere seconds. This incredible computing power opens up new possibilities in fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and climate modelling, where processing complex datasets and scenarios is crucial.

AI-Powered Personalized Medicine

A transformative trend emerging lately is AI-driven personalized medicine, a groundbreaking approach that tailors medical treatment and diagnostics to the individual. This trend marks a departure from the one-size-fits-all methodology, paving the way for more effective and targeted healthcare solutions.

  • Tailored Treatments and Diagnostics: The crux of AI-powered personalized medicine lies in its ability to analyze complex genetic profiles, lifestyle factors, and environmental influences unique to each individual. This capability enables healthcare professionals to diagnose conditions more accurately and develop treatment plans that are specifically tailored to the patient's unique biological makeup.
  • Predictive Healthcare: One of the most revolutionary aspects of AI in medicine is its potential for predictive healthcare. AI systems can analyze a patient's health data over time, detecting subtle changes that may indicate the onset of a disease before any symptoms are physically manifested. 
  • Customizing Treatments: In addition to predictive capabilities, AI is enhancing the efficacy of treatments by enabling customization like never before. In cancer treatment, for instance, AI can analyze the genetic makeup of a tumour and help oncologists choose the most effective treatment strategy for that specific cancer type. 

AI and Environmental Sustainability

In 2024, artificial intelligence will be playing a pivotal role in addressing some of the most pressing environmental challenges. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns is proving invaluable in efforts to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world.

  • Optimizing Energy Usage: AI systems are now being used to analyze energy usage patterns in buildings, factories, and homes, enabling more efficient use of resources. These systems can predict peak usage times and adjust energy distribution to reduce waste and lower costs. 
  • Waste Reduction: Beyond energy, AI is also being leveraged to tackle the global issue of waste. Through intelligent sorting systems and predictive analytics, AI is enhancing recycling processes and helping to manage waste more effectively. 
  • Environmental Monitoring and Climate Predictions: AI capabilities extend to environmental monitoring, where it plays a crucial role in tracking changes in ecosystems, weather patterns, and biodiversity. These insights are vital for understanding the impact of human activities on the environment.

The AI trends likely to dominate in 2024 are going to be radical. They will represent pivotal elements that are actively shaping our future. Each trend - from the rise of AI-driven personalized medicine to the integration of AI in environmental sustainability - paints a picture of a world where artificial intelligence is a transformative force.

As we embrace this future, the importance of understanding and leveraging AI becomes more critical than ever. For those looking to navigate this exciting and complex landscape, gaining expertise in data science and AI is key. Turing College offers a comprehensive Data Science course designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in this AI-driven era. 

Embark on your journey to becoming an AI and data science expert with Turing College.